Average rating 9 out of 10 ( based on 6 reviews )

Texas Cipher

Review by Kenneth Cotter on 3/20/2020

I just bought this 3/20/2020. It is the latest 2019 revision that should have all the mistakes corrected. Good product and service.

Very fine help

Review by Buddy on 7/8/2019

This is the best help a new Mason can get .yes it is hard to understand but if your not a Mason you shouldn't be able to. It serves its purpose for the good of masonry.. hope everyone gets out of the stoneage..we lose to many young masons to this archaic mentality..as a traveler of the world. They grow thru this type of training too bad everyone can't catch on.. Wonderful learning tool..

extremely helpful

Review by Stephen on 7/8/2019

I'm not able to easily sync my schedule with other brethren or to get to lodge as often as I'd like, and this book allows me to practice my work when I'm not able to work with others. It's really indispensable. Thanks for a great product!


Review by Steve Odom on 4/11/2019

There have been a number of revisions needed in this edition to what was printed, and an addendum was available, but I hear there are others. It was told to me that it would be edited and republished soon, can you give us information on that date? Please get with the Grand Lodge of Texas Committee of Work and they should know about any revisions that may or may not be taking place. We are not aware of any on our end. Thank you. Macoy.

Texas Cipher

Review by Geo on 1/6/2019

The book is a great help to a traveler of any level. While the cipher is not simple it is easily understood if you have the basic grasp of the work.

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