The Health Benefits of Learning Masonic Ritual
July 28, 2019
By Lewis Masonic

The Health Benefits of Learning Masonic Ritual

There is a lot involved in Masonic ritual. The words must be learned by heart with precision and then performed under pressure. Besides the words themselves, inside the lodge room everything is placed in an exact order. We have exacting routines that take place involving specific routes to walk, steps to take, objects to move, knocks to make, salutes, and signs.
The Five Orders of Architecture
July 20, 2019
By Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply

The Five Orders of Architecture

The Tuscan is the most simple and solid of the five orders in architecture; it was invented in Tuscany, a region of Italy, from whence it derives its name. Its column is seven diameters high and its capital, base, and entablature1 have but few moldings or ornaments.
Proving A Square
July 20, 2019
By Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply

Proving A Square

Although Masons of the current day go to great lengths to decry Freemasonry as having any secrets, this was not always the case. Our operative forbears went to equally great lengths to preserve secrets of Masonry, restricting their trade to only those who had been properly brought to light.
New Page for my Blog
July 20, 2019
By Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply

Worship Master

The Worshipful Master is the chief executive officer of a lodge of Freemasons. He is subordinate to the Grand Lodge in his jurisdiction, but in all other respects he acts independently much as the captain of a ship is subordinate to the Admiralty in matters of overall strategy, but he remains free to chart his own course.
Saints John
July 20, 2019
By Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply

Saints John

Among American Freemasons there are two festivals in the Masonic calendar. The Feast of St. John, the Baptist, is celebrated on June 24 and the Feast of Saint John, the Evangelist, on December 27.
What is a Cowan
July 20, 2019
By Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply

What is a Cowan

In the medieval quarries and among the building sites, our operative brethren regulated their trade, not only excluding those who could not prove their rightful association, but by keeping the very methods of the Craft shrouded in mystery. The art of cutting stone, the use and construction of the proper tools, and the formulae intrinsic to the building trade were all jealously guarded professional secrets in a world before copyright, trademark or intellectual property. Often heard, but seldom seen these days, the cowan was alive and well in the days of operative Masons, and he was someone to be watchful for.
December 22, 2018
By Stephen McCall


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